Thursday, November 20, 2008

We be Clubbing....

Well if you live in me its not really clubbing its more of a fashion show with music and drinks....but lawwd when the drinks get involved you may see some beyonce wannabes getting it in....looking more like Kelly Rowland no offense but she is no beyonce.....and the fashion...lets just say its different everyone wants to be Gucci bandanna-ing it and making it rain with the few singles they have...but hey im not mad at them..if I have enough drinks you might notice me picking up a few and stashing the cash....shoot that might be my next drink....

call me bias but there are only a few peoples parties i would even think about going i love me an sye know school yard ent. now some people say its one big reunion with no new faces but i call it SAFE....if you know the people you don't have to worry about a random fight or dudes who want to go hard on the party and start smacking girls because they didn't let him grab her butt....well you might see that from one fashionable SYE member but hey he hasn't done that in years and only when he is real drunk...but like I said that was years ago.....

now other dudes who throw parties I won't say any names...but they have a "fun" name..however they are known for bringing the hood I'm not too good to party with the hood and shoot there houses are probably better than mine...but when i party all i want is a few good drinks and good music....however at hood parties if you look at a chick wrong she is ready to fight and not with her fist...but with her shoe a knife or anything she can get her hands on....and I'm just talking about me my face will be my money maker I'm sorry i cant have a battle wound going down to my neck..its just not until then i will stay at the family reunion with the best D.J. Baltimore knows.......we be fashion dancing at the party...see ya next time looking cute!

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