Saturday, November 15, 2008

Small WOrld....

As Women sometimes we talk not knowing who is around us...we say things about other women that we don't mean but we say them for the sake of talking....ladies I will be the first to say that your words travels faster than the speed of light.... a girl was at the hairdressers and she started to talk about me saying my first and last name she went on and on about how she doesn't really know me but she doesn't like me...she doesn't like my radio show and she doesn't care about what I do on my spare time....granted everyone can't be my fan and yes some people have the right to not like me...but wow even if you don't know me...give me a chance...

allow me to give you a reason to not like me... for me to let you down..better yet let's actually have a conversation...try that on for size..... maybe it made you feel better about your self by talking about me and that's all fine and good but be a woman about it and tell me how I have failed you...maybe next time I see you in the club or walking by in the mall I will know your name look you in the eye and speak..... and next time you care to talk don't use my first and last name and expect your words not to travel the world is too small for simple mistakes ...

ladies we have to encourage one another...I vow to promise to not speak bad on a chick I don't not hate on her just because she looks a certain way and knows how to hold a decent conversation I will allow her to make me not like her with her actions and words...I will give her a fair chance encouragement is the new trend make sure your in style....!

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