Thursday, November 13, 2008

Social Settings...

Now is it me...or in todays social settings you need a drink to socialize.

Aside from sitting at the bar and watching the silent t.v. or listening to the soft music..its hard to just talk to the person sitting next to you.... now im speaking about the people you didn't come into the door with of course that's easy...but what about the people who you came to meet or "network" with. Maybe its just me but I don't feel comfortable just walking up to someone and saying name is sheena I have a job but I would like to work at your the way what do you of course the conversation doesn't go like that but with out a drink I don't think it gets much better.....

And I'm a chatter box I can talk to anyone about almost anything...except when im sitting in a lounge and its after work..."networking" and you actually care what the people have to say.
What about the weird glances of half smiles you get from the married men the mixed signals they send..that you don't know if they are trying to talk to you and exchange business cards or just trying to get your email to ask you out for drinks on friday...the biggest problem is how do you tell your soon to be future boss NO...without ruining your chances of ever working at his company.....I guess you just reply and say sure email me and when things start to get creepy you reply I have a boyfriend can he come and how about you bring your remember keep it professional.

If you have to...and I mean have too.... get a drink keep it simple don"t over do it and always keep your game face have to be working while everyone else is partying.

Be the real hustler in the room...conveniently bump into your future boss drop your business cards and slide one in his hand only if he helps you pick them up...if he doesn't he is a jerk and you probably don"t want to work for him anyway...Keep your hand shake firm and down to two shakes...three if you want to make a lasting impression.

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