Tuesday, September 4, 2007


ITs funny how life gives you what...you give it.
We have all heard the story about the water on earth...right? well if you havent ill give you the short version. basically, we will always have the same amount of water on earth..it just goes through a cycle...a water cycle... For instance, the water that falls from the sky is the same water that was once in the ocean or on land....that water from the ocean evaporated and went back to the sky only to fall again... Well life is exactly the same... we fail only so we can pass the next test...we fall only so we can raise again. We go through the cycle of life only so we can get get used to it and know that we have to put it in God's hands...he will decide if we end up in an ocean , a toilet, or the ground..next we just have to make the best of it for now.... so if your the water stuck in the sink, trying to wash away the dirt on others..just know eventually u will be the water that relaxes at the beach..soaking in all the sun!!!
you days will get brighter..u just have to have faith in yourself and your maker...

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