Friday, August 10, 2007

Guys I have the 11 Answers to your 11 Questions

1. Guys: Why do girls tell each other everything?
Girls: Fellas when girls tell their friends about you..its like we put a HIT out on your name, we have already realized that the World is Small....So if we spread the Word about our relationship with you, we are bound to find out if you talk, date or currently having sex with another girl.

2.Guys: Why do girls play hard to get?
Girls: We have to see how far you are willing to go to talk to us, if we run will you follow us in the chase?

3.Guys:Why Are Girls So Needy?
Girls: Ok girls become needy, when we think we have found a man who we think is capable of providing for us, they seem to have evrything together, swagger just right, perfect career so we need you to support us and Provide for us...even if its just Ice Cream.

4.Guys:Why do Girls hold out on Sex when they know they want it just as bad as we do?
Girls: Fellas you have to realize its easy for a girl to get sex, almost every guy we meet wants to have sex with when we find someone we want to have sex with we hold out...hoping once we give it to him he will cherish it like a cup of ice water in hell.

5.Guys:Why do girls become bugger boos?
Girls: For girls, sometimes a guy is like our favorite food, we like them so much that we want to be near them everyday...every mintue we find ourselves day dreaming about them at night, in the morning and during lunch. Take it as Flattery.

6. Guys:Why is it that girls will believe anything their friends say?
Girls: WE tend to believe our friends because our friends tend to have our best interest at heart, they have nothing to lose before you they were our friends and after you they will be our friends, so normally when they have something to say we listen.

7.Guys:Why do Girls feel the need to nag so much?
Girls: Honestly when girls nag guys its because, we have built up in our mind that you shouldn't make mistakes you are a MAN, you should know when we want to be held, when we want a kiss and when we want to lay in your arms....we think yall should be mind readers and we give you guys way too much when you get it wrong we fuss or nag at you hoping you get it right the next time.

8. Guys: Why are Girls obsessed with planning cheesy, corney Pinics in the park or ice skating?
Girls: The truth is girls like to do things that are a little bit more intimate than watching a movie or going out to dinner, we like to take guys out of their comfort zone to see who they really are and once again how far they will go to show us how much they like us.

9. Guys: Why do Girls Cheat?
Girls: We Cheat because you stop telling us we are pretty, you stop holding our hand, you stop listening to our concerns and you get too when we get comfortable we get bored and we start to look into other people for the fun we once had with you.

10.Guys:Why do girls like what isn't good for them?
Girls: Ok..... Guys Can be like fatty Calories, we know they aren't good for us, thats why some women are obese, they have so much drama surrounding them it becomes unhealthy..bad guys can be like a piece of choc. cake we know we shouldn't eat too much, but we become addicted to their taste, smell and feel..we can't stop eating and indulging in their negativity(Fatty Calories)

11.Guys: How do girls Lie with a straight face?
Girls: Sorry men but girls have learned how to act at an early age, we call it "make believe" from a child, we "make believe" we are a princess, We "make believe" we are having a tea party and in our mind we "make believe" we are telling the to us we aren't lying we are just "make believeing" we are telling the truth and sometimes just sometimes we lie to spare your feelings we dont want to hurt your feelings so we lie and say you were the best sex we had.....

******** Rememeber Ladies as females we have the upper hand...we allow ourselves to surrcomb to the needs, charms, smiles and lies from men. all of these questions were taking From GOOD GUYS.....If you are dating that WRONG GUY..then sorry I can't help you.

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